Support for instructors, educators and industry team members using Integrity Advocate within TalentLMS. Your account manager will provide faculty training and support to ensure that everyone on your team has full visibility into the Integrity Advocate solution.
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Enable Integrity Advocate on activities
Integrity Advocate can be enabled on Test activities and SCORM activities. To add the Integrity Advocate widget to a course (logged in as an Administrator or Instructor):
1. Go to the main page for the course on which you wish to configure Integrity Advocate.
2. Click on Reports.
3. Locate and click on the green Add Integrity Advocate button. The page will automatically scroll until the Integrity Advocate Results widget is visible.
For Administrators, the button will be near the top of the page, under the Export in Excel button. For Instructors, the button will be on the right column at the bottom, under the Reports button.
4. Scroll down and you will see the Integrity Advocate widget. Inside the widget, click the Activities tab.
5. Check the Enable Integrity Advocate box next to the name of the activity you wish to enable Integrity Advocate on.
6. If you have more than one rules set, you will see a dropdown list in the Rules column. Select the rules set you wish to use for this activity.
The rules will be named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Demo.
7. Click the Select Rules button next to the same activity.
8. In the Select Rules popup, check the boxes next to rules you wish to enable for the activity.
9. Click Submit then click Ok.
The next time you return to this Report page, the Integrity Advocate widget will appear automatically.
Enable Integrity Advocate on activities
Integrity Advocate can be enabled on Test activities and SCORM activities. To add the Integrity Advocate widget to a course (logged in as an Administrator or Instructor):
1. Go to the main page for the course on which you wish to configure Integrity Advocate.
2. Click on Reports.
3. Locate and click on the green Add Integrity Advocate button. The page will automatically scroll until the Integrity Advocate Results widget is visible.
For Administrators, the button will be near the top of the page, under the Export in Excel button. For Instructors, the button will be on the right column at the bottom, under the Reports button.
4. Scroll down and you will see the Integrity Advocate widget. Inside the widget, click the Activities tab.
5. Check the Enable Integrity Advocate box next to the name of the activity you wish to enable Integrity Advocate on.
6. If you have more than one rules set, you will see a dropdown list in the Rules column. Select the rules set you wish to use for this activity.
The rules will be named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Demo.
7. Click the Select Rules button next to the same activity.
8. In the Select Rules popup, check the boxes next to rules you wish to enable for the activity.
9. Click Submit then click Ok.
The next time you return to this Report page, the Integrity Advocate widget will appear automatically.
Enable Integrity Advocate on activities
Integrity Advocate can be enabled on Test activities and SCORM activities. To add the Integrity Advocate widget to a course (logged in as an Administrator or Instructor):
1. Go to the main page for the course on which you wish to configure Integrity Advocate.
2. Click on Reports.
3. Locate and click on the green Add Integrity Advocate button. The page will automatically scroll until the Integrity Advocate Results widget is visible.
For Administrators, the button will be near the top of the page, under the Export in Excel button. For Instructors, the button will be on the right column at the bottom, under the Reports button.
4. Scroll down and you will see the Integrity Advocate widget. Inside the widget, click the Activities tab.
5. Check the Enable Integrity Advocate box next to the name of the activity you wish to enable Integrity Advocate on.
6. If you have more than one rules set, you will see a dropdown list in the Rules column. Select the rules set you wish to use for this activity.
The rules will be named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Demo.
7. Click the Select Rules button next to the same activity.
8. In the Select Rules popup, check the boxes next to rules you wish to enable for the activity.
9. Click Submit then click Ok.
The next time you return to this Report page, the Integrity Advocate widget will appear automatically.
Enable Integrity Advocate on activities
Integrity Advocate can be enabled on Test activities and SCORM activities. To add the Integrity Advocate widget to a course (logged in as an Administrator or Instructor):
1. Go to the main page for the course on which you wish to configure Integrity Advocate.
2. Click on Reports.
3. Locate and click on the green Add Integrity Advocate button. The page will automatically scroll until the Integrity Advocate Results widget is visible.
For Administrators, the button will be near the top of the page, under the Export in Excel button. For Instructors, the button will be on the right column at the bottom, under the Reports button.
4. Scroll down and you will see the Integrity Advocate widget. Inside the widget, click the Activities tab.
5. Check the Enable Integrity Advocate box next to the name of the activity you wish to enable Integrity Advocate on.
6. If you have more than one rules set, you will see a dropdown list in the Rules column. Select the rules set you wish to use for this activity.
The rules will be named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Demo.
7. Click the Select Rules button next to the same activity.
8. In the Select Rules popup, check the boxes next to rules you wish to enable for the activity.
9. Click Submit then click Ok.
The next time you return to this Report page, the Integrity Advocate widget will appear automatically.
Enable Integrity Advocate on activities
Integrity Advocate can be enabled on Test activities and SCORM activities. To add the Integrity Advocate widget to a course (logged in as an Administrator or Instructor):
1. Go to the main page for the course on which you wish to configure Integrity Advocate.
2. Click on Reports.
3. Locate and click on the green Add Integrity Advocate button. The page will automatically scroll until the Integrity Advocate Results widget is visible.
For Administrators, the button will be near the top of the page, under the Export in Excel button. For Instructors, the button will be on the right column at the bottom, under the Reports button.
4. Scroll down and you will see the Integrity Advocate widget. Inside the widget, click the Activities tab.
5. Check the Enable Integrity Advocate box next to the name of the activity you wish to enable Integrity Advocate on.
6. If you have more than one rules set, you will see a dropdown list in the Rules column. Select the rules set you wish to use for this activity.
The rules will be named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Demo.
7. Click the Select Rules button next to the same activity.
8. In the Select Rules popup, check the boxes next to rules you wish to enable for the activity.
9. Click Submit then click Ok.
The next time you return to this Report page, the Integrity Advocate widget will appear automatically.
Integrity Advocate Results in TalentLMS
Integrity Advocate results can be used in your course activity flow like any other activity. This can be used to prevent a certificate being released until there is a Valid Integrity Advocate status for proctored activities or to prevent a learner from continuing further into the course without receiving a Valid proctoring status on completed activities.
To achieve this:
1. Within the Integrity Advocate widget, click on the Activities tab.
2. Find the activity for which you wish to use the Integrity Advocate results.
a. Integrity Advocate must be enabled for this activity.
3. Click the Generate SCORM button next to that activity.
4. Choose one of the following:
a. Pass/Fail
i. (Recommended) Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will access Integrity Advocate servers and return a Pass or Fail status depending on the participant’s Integrity Advocate status for this activity.
b. Complete Only
i. Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will only return a Complete status, with no pass or fail. It will only indicate that the Integrity Advocate data has been reviewed, but not the status.
5. Save the generated zip file to your computer in a place where you will be able to easily find it.
6. Return to the course that has the proctored activity.
7. Click Go to course content.
7. Click the Add button and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5.
8. For Unit Name put PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME – Integrity Advocate Results, where PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME is the name of the proctored activity.
a. Example: If my proctored activity was named Final EXAM, the Unit Name would be Final Exam – Integrity Advocate Results.
9. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or CMI5 zip file.
10. Find and select the zip file saved in step 5, above.
11. Upload the file by clicking Ok or Open in the file upload dialogue.
12. Click the down arrow next to Save and View and select and back to the units list.
13. Within the Course content, reorder your activities so that the Integrity Advocate Results are in an appropriate location.
Example 1: You could put the Results SCORM activity immediately after the proctored activity. The learner would not be able to progress to later activities until they received a Valid status from Integrity Advocate.
Example 2: You could put the Results SCORM activity(ies) at the end of the course so that the learner can progress through all activities, then receive their results from Integrity Advocate prior to any certificate release.
Integrity Advocate Results in TalentLMS
Integrity Advocate results can be used in your course activity flow like any other activity. This can be used to prevent a certificate being released until there is a Valid Integrity Advocate status for proctored activities or to prevent a learner from continuing further into the course without receiving a Valid proctoring status on completed activities.
To achieve this:
1. Within the Integrity Advocate widget, click on the Activities tab.
2. Find the activity for which you wish to use the Integrity Advocate results.
a. Integrity Advocate must be enabled for this activity.
3. Click the Generate SCORM button next to that activity.
4. Choose one of the following:
a. Pass/Fail
i. (Recommended) Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will access Integrity Advocate servers and return a Pass or Fail status depending on the participant’s Integrity Advocate status for this activity.
b. Complete Only
i. Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will only return a Complete status, with no pass or fail. It will only indicate that the Integrity Advocate data has been reviewed, but not the status.
5. Save the generated zip file to your computer in a place where you will be able to easily find it.
6. Return to the course that has the proctored activity.
7. Click Go to course content.
7. Click the Add button and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5.
8. For Unit Name put PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME – Integrity Advocate Results, where PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME is the name of the proctored activity.
a. Example: If my proctored activity was named Final EXAM, the Unit Name would be Final Exam – Integrity Advocate Results.
9. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or CMI5 zip file.
10. Find and select the zip file saved in step 5, above.
11. Upload the file by clicking Ok or Open in the file upload dialogue.
12. Click the down arrow next to Save and View and select and back to the units list.
13. Within the Course content, reorder your activities so that the Integrity Advocate Results are in an appropriate location.
Example 1: You could put the Results SCORM activity immediately after the proctored activity. The learner would not be able to progress to later activities until they received a Valid status from Integrity Advocate.
Example 2: You could put the Results SCORM activity(ies) at the end of the course so that the learner can progress through all activities, then receive their results from Integrity Advocate prior to any certificate release.
Integrity Advocate Results in TalentLMS
Integrity Advocate results can be used in your course activity flow like any other activity. This can be used to prevent a certificate being released until there is a Valid Integrity Advocate status for proctored activities or to prevent a learner from continuing further into the course without receiving a Valid proctoring status on completed activities.
To achieve this:
1. Within the Integrity Advocate widget, click on the Activities tab.
2. Find the activity for which you wish to use the Integrity Advocate results.
a. Integrity Advocate must be enabled for this activity.
3. Click the Generate SCORM button next to that activity.
4. Choose one of the following:
a. Pass/Fail
i. (Recommended) Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will access Integrity Advocate servers and return a Pass or Fail status depending on the participant’s Integrity Advocate status for this activity.
b. Complete Only
i. Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will only return a Complete status, with no pass or fail. It will only indicate that the Integrity Advocate data has been reviewed, but not the status.
5. Save the generated zip file to your computer in a place where you will be able to easily find it.
6. Return to the course that has the proctored activity.
7. Click Go to course content.
7. Click the Add button and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5.
8. For Unit Name put PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME – Integrity Advocate Results, where PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME is the name of the proctored activity.
a. Example: If my proctored activity was named Final EXAM, the Unit Name would be Final Exam – Integrity Advocate Results.
9. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or CMI5 zip file.
10. Find and select the zip file saved in step 5, above.
11. Upload the file by clicking Ok or Open in the file upload dialogue.
12. Click the down arrow next to Save and View and select and back to the units list.
13. Within the Course content, reorder your activities so that the Integrity Advocate Results are in an appropriate location.
Example 1: You could put the Results SCORM activity immediately after the proctored activity. The learner would not be able to progress to later activities until they received a Valid status from Integrity Advocate.
Example 2: You could put the Results SCORM activity(ies) at the end of the course so that the learner can progress through all activities, then receive their results from Integrity Advocate prior to any certificate release.
Integrity Advocate Results in TalentLMS
Integrity Advocate results can be used in your course activity flow like any other activity. This can be used to prevent a certificate being released until there is a Valid Integrity Advocate status for proctored activities or to prevent a learner from continuing further into the course without receiving a Valid proctoring status on completed activities.
To achieve this:
1. Within the Integrity Advocate widget, click on the Activities tab.
2. Find the activity for which you wish to use the Integrity Advocate results.
a. Integrity Advocate must be enabled for this activity.
3. Click the Generate SCORM button next to that activity.
4. Choose one of the following:
a. Pass/Fail
i. (Recommended) Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will access Integrity Advocate servers and return a Pass or Fail status depending on the participant’s Integrity Advocate status for this activity.
b. Complete Only
i. Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will only return a Complete status, with no pass or fail. It will only indicate that the Integrity Advocate data has been reviewed, but not the status.
5. Save the generated zip file to your computer in a place where you will be able to easily find it.
6. Return to the course that has the proctored activity.
7. Click Go to course content.
7. Click the Add button and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5.
8. For Unit Name put PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME – Integrity Advocate Results, where PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME is the name of the proctored activity.
a. Example: If my proctored activity was named Final EXAM, the Unit Name would be Final Exam – Integrity Advocate Results.
9. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or CMI5 zip file.
10. Find and select the zip file saved in step 5, above.
11. Upload the file by clicking Ok or Open in the file upload dialogue.
12. Click the down arrow next to Save and View and select and back to the units list.
13. Within the Course content, reorder your activities so that the Integrity Advocate Results are in an appropriate location.
Example 1: You could put the Results SCORM activity immediately after the proctored activity. The learner would not be able to progress to later activities until they received a Valid status from Integrity Advocate.
Example 2: You could put the Results SCORM activity(ies) at the end of the course so that the learner can progress through all activities, then receive their results from Integrity Advocate prior to any certificate release.
Integrity Advocate Results in TalentLMS
Integrity Advocate results can be used in your course activity flow like any other activity. This can be used to prevent a certificate being released until there is a Valid Integrity Advocate status for proctored activities or to prevent a learner from continuing further into the course without receiving a Valid proctoring status on completed activities.
To achieve this:
1. Within the Integrity Advocate widget, click on the Activities tab.
2. Find the activity for which you wish to use the Integrity Advocate results.
a. Integrity Advocate must be enabled for this activity.
3. Click the Generate SCORM button next to that activity.
4. Choose one of the following:
a. Pass/Fail
i. (Recommended) Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will access Integrity Advocate servers and return a Pass or Fail status depending on the participant’s Integrity Advocate status for this activity.
b. Complete Only
i. Click this button if you wish to generate a SCORM package that will only return a Complete status, with no pass or fail. It will only indicate that the Integrity Advocate data has been reviewed, but not the status.
5. Save the generated zip file to your computer in a place where you will be able to easily find it.
6. Return to the course that has the proctored activity.
7. Click Go to course content.
7. Click the Add button and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5.
8. For Unit Name put PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME – Integrity Advocate Results, where PROCTORED ACTIVITY NAME is the name of the proctored activity.
a. Example: If my proctored activity was named Final EXAM, the Unit Name would be Final Exam – Integrity Advocate Results.
9. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or CMI5 zip file.
10. Find and select the zip file saved in step 5, above.
11. Upload the file by clicking Ok or Open in the file upload dialogue.
12. Click the down arrow next to Save and View and select and back to the units list.
13. Within the Course content, reorder your activities so that the Integrity Advocate Results are in an appropriate location.
Example 1: You could put the Results SCORM activity immediately after the proctored activity. The learner would not be able to progress to later activities until they received a Valid status from Integrity Advocate.
Example 2: You could put the Results SCORM activity(ies) at the end of the course so that the learner can progress through all activities, then receive their results from Integrity Advocate prior to any certificate release.
Exclude Learners from Integrity Advocate
When a bypass code is entered during the Integrity Advocate pre-check process, the Learner will be allowed to proceed without IA running during the test session.
1. Once the learner is prompted for the Integrity Advocate pre-check, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner.
2. Manually enter the bypass code for the learner, then click the green checkmark to continue. The Learner may begin the exam.
When a bypass code is entered during the Integrity Advocate pre-check process, the Learner will be allowed to proceed without IA running during the test session.
1. Once the learner is prompted for the Integrity Advocate pre-check, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner.
2. Manually enter the bypass code for the learner, then click the green checkmark to continue. The Learner may begin the exam.
When a bypass code is entered during the Integrity Advocate pre-check process, the Learner will be allowed to proceed without IA running during the test session.
1. Once the learner is prompted for the Integrity Advocate pre-check, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner.
2. Manually enter the bypass code for the learner, then click the green checkmark to continue. The Learner may begin the exam.
When a bypass code is entered during the Integrity Advocate pre-check process, the Learner will be allowed to proceed without IA running during the test session.
1. Once the learner is prompted for the Integrity Advocate pre-check, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner.
2. Manually enter the bypass code for the learner, then click the green checkmark to continue. The Learner may begin the exam.
When a bypass code is entered during the Integrity Advocate pre-check process, the Learner will be allowed to proceed without IA running during the test session.
1. Once the learner is prompted for the Integrity Advocate pre-check, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner.
2. Manually enter the bypass code for the learner, then click the green checkmark to continue. The Learner may begin the exam.
From within the IA Widget on the course homepage click the Participants tab.
Click on the exam being reviewed.
Click the Select Status dropdown and filter on Invalid (Rules) or Invalid IDs.
There are four possible statuses that you will see in the Integrity Advocate widget under the Participants tab.
In Progress. If there is an End date and time, the session is being reviewed. If the end date and time is "Incomplete", the participant is currently taking the quiz, or they began the session but left without completing (ie, closed the browser without closing the Integrity Advocate session).
Valid. The session is complete with no violations.
Invalid (ID). The participant has submitted an unreadable or non-approved ID and needs to resubmit. Integrity Advocate emails the Learner directly asking for them to resubmit their ID. This link can also be found in the Participant’s tab. Search for the participant and under Status, select Resubmit ID. This will provide a link to send to the participant.
Invalid (Rules). There has been a violation of the selected rules for the quiz.
Review Status for Learner attempt and Invalid statuses by clicking the participant’s name to access Learner images taken during quiz.
Note: Images will appear with notes indicating potential flags.
You can Override a Valid, Invalid (ID), or Invalid (Rules) status from the Integrity Advocate widget.
1. Find the participant in the Participants tab, then click Override under their current status.
2. Click the dropdown under Status Override, select the new status, and enter a reason. Click Submit.
3. Click OK when prompted.
4. Click Override again to see the reason and who made the change.
Note: If the Use Grade Item is selected in the widget for the quiz, click Update Grade to update the Gradebook for the Learner attempt. The IA Status column associated with the quiz will update.
Review the Proctored Results
From within the IA Widget on the course homepage click the Participants tab.
Click on the exam being reviewed.
Click the Select Status dropdown and filter on Invalid (Rules) or Invalid IDs.
There are four possible statuses that you will see in the Integrity Advocate widget under the Participants tab.
In Progress. If there is an End date and time, the session is being reviewed. If the end date and time is "Incomplete", the participant is currently taking the quiz, or they began the session but left without completing (ie, closed the browser without closing the Integrity Advocate session).
Valid. The session is complete with no violations.
Invalid (ID). The participant has submitted an unreadable or non-approved ID and needs to resubmit. Integrity Advocate emails the Learner directly asking for them to resubmit their ID. This link can also be found in the Participant’s tab. Search for the participant and under Status, select Resubmit ID. This will provide a link to send to the participant.
Invalid (Rules). There has been a violation of the selected rules for the quiz.
Review Status for Learner attempt and Invalid statuses by clicking the participant’s name to access Learner images taken during quiz.
Note: Images will appear with notes indicating potential flags.
You can Override a Valid, Invalid (ID), or Invalid (Rules) status from the Integrity Advocate widget.
1. Find the participant in the Participants tab, then click Override under their current status.
2. Click the dropdown under Status Override, select the new status, and enter a reason. Click Submit.
3. Click OK when prompted.
4. Click Override again to see the reason and who made the change.
Note: If the Use Grade Item is selected in the widget for the quiz, click Update Grade to update the Gradebook for the Learner attempt. The IA Status column associated with the quiz will update.
Review the Proctored Results
From within the IA Widget on the course homepage click the Participants tab.
Click on the exam being reviewed.
Click the Select Status dropdown and filter on Invalid (Rules) or Invalid IDs.
There are four possible statuses that you will see in the Integrity Advocate widget under the Participants tab.
In Progress. If there is an End date and time, the session is being reviewed. If the end date and time is "Incomplete", the participant is currently taking the quiz, or they began the session but left without completing (ie, closed the browser without closing the Integrity Advocate session).
Valid. The session is complete with no violations.
Invalid (ID). The participant has submitted an unreadable or non-approved ID and needs to resubmit. Integrity Advocate emails the Learner directly asking for them to resubmit their ID. This link can also be found in the Participant’s tab. Search for the participant and under Status, select Resubmit ID. This will provide a link to send to the participant.
Invalid (Rules). There has been a violation of the selected rules for the quiz.
Review Status for Learner attempt and Invalid statuses by clicking the participant’s name to access Learner images taken during quiz.
Note: Images will appear with notes indicating potential flags.
You can Override a Valid, Invalid (ID), or Invalid (Rules) status from the Integrity Advocate widget.
1. Find the participant in the Participants tab, then click Override under their current status.
2. Click the dropdown under Status Override, select the new status, and enter a reason. Click Submit.
3. Click OK when prompted.
4. Click Override again to see the reason and who made the change.
Note: If the Use Grade Item is selected in the widget for the quiz, click Update Grade to update the Gradebook for the Learner attempt. The IA Status column associated with the quiz will update.
Review the Proctored Results
From within the IA Widget on the course homepage click the Participants tab.
Click on the exam being reviewed.
Click the Select Status dropdown and filter on Invalid (Rules) or Invalid IDs.
There are four possible statuses that you will see in the Integrity Advocate widget under the Participants tab.
In Progress. If there is an End date and time, the session is being reviewed. If the end date and time is "Incomplete", the participant is currently taking the quiz, or they began the session but left without completing (ie, closed the browser without closing the Integrity Advocate session).
Valid. The session is complete with no violations.
Invalid (ID). The participant has submitted an unreadable or non-approved ID and needs to resubmit. Integrity Advocate emails the Learner directly asking for them to resubmit their ID. This link can also be found in the Participant’s tab. Search for the participant and under Status, select Resubmit ID. This will provide a link to send to the participant.
Invalid (Rules). There has been a violation of the selected rules for the quiz.
Review Status for Learner attempt and Invalid statuses by clicking the participant’s name to access Learner images taken during quiz.
Note: Images will appear with notes indicating potential flags.
You can Override a Valid, Invalid (ID), or Invalid (Rules) status from the Integrity Advocate widget.
1. Find the participant in the Participants tab, then click Override under their current status.
2. Click the dropdown under Status Override, select the new status, and enter a reason. Click Submit.
3. Click OK when prompted.
4. Click Override again to see the reason and who made the change.
Note: If the Use Grade Item is selected in the widget for the quiz, click Update Grade to update the Gradebook for the Learner attempt. The IA Status column associated with the quiz will update.
Review the Proctored Results
From within the IA Widget on the course homepage click the Participants tab.
Click on the exam being reviewed.
Click the Select Status dropdown and filter on Invalid (Rules) or Invalid IDs.
There are four possible statuses that you will see in the Integrity Advocate widget under the Participants tab.
In Progress. If there is an End date and time, the session is being reviewed. If the end date and time is "Incomplete", the participant is currently taking the quiz, or they began the session but left without completing (ie, closed the browser without closing the Integrity Advocate session).
Valid. The session is complete with no violations.
Invalid (ID). The participant has submitted an unreadable or non-approved ID and needs to resubmit. Integrity Advocate emails the Learner directly asking for them to resubmit their ID. This link can also be found in the Participant’s tab. Search for the participant and under Status, select Resubmit ID. This will provide a link to send to the participant.
Invalid (Rules). There has been a violation of the selected rules for the quiz.
Review Status for Learner attempt and Invalid statuses by clicking the participant’s name to access Learner images taken during quiz.
Note: Images will appear with notes indicating potential flags.
You can Override a Valid, Invalid (ID), or Invalid (Rules) status from the Integrity Advocate widget.
1. Find the participant in the Participants tab, then click Override under their current status.
2. Click the dropdown under Status Override, select the new status, and enter a reason. Click Submit.
3. Click OK when prompted.
4. Click Override again to see the reason and who made the change.
Note: If the Use Grade Item is selected in the widget for the quiz, click Update Grade to update the Gradebook for the Learner attempt. The IA Status column associated with the quiz will update.