Rules are customizable where the Activities Tab is visible.
To customize rules on an activity:
- Within the Integrity Advocate (LTI 1.3 or enhanced) widget, click on the Activities tab.
- Find the activity for which you wish to customize rules.
- Select which Level you wish to set for the activity. Rules available to each Level are different.
- Click Select Rules and check the boxes for the desired rules for the activity.
- Click Submit.
Customizing your ruleset:
While most rules are self-explanatory, a few may require special consideration.
Remain engaged: The student must remain focused, awake, and attentive during the duration of the activity.
Stay in view of the camera: The student must remain in view of the camera for the duration of the activity.
Must not use collaborative applications: The student must not use any application that allows online communication (i.e. Zoom, WhatsApp, Discord etc.)
Do not communicate with others: The student must not use a communication device, application or speak to another person for the duration of the activity.
Do not be in the presence of others: The student may not receive help from or communicate with other people for the duration of the activity.
Must not use AI application: The student must not use any AI application for the duration of the activity.
No use of any smart devices, such as a phone or tablet: Student must not use an electronic device.
Must not use headphones: The student must not use headphones for the duration of the activity.
Consideration: If you select this rule, make sure that students know in advance so they don’t inadvertently break this rule by listening to music during a quiz.
Must not use any external resources to aid in completing the activity: The student must not use any external resources, i.e. calculators, cell phone, electronic device, books, or notes.
Consideration: Don’t select this rule if at any point during the quiz the student needs to use a calculator, electronic device, or refer to their notes/textbook.
Must not leave full screen: The student must not leave the full-screen window for the duration of the activity or use other browsers, tabs, or programs.
Consideration: We only recommend using the full-screen monitoring feature for high-stakes assessments. Don’t select this rule if at any point during the quiz the student needs to access another browser tab or program.
Must complete room and desk scan: Students must display a clean desk with no other persons present.
Applying discretion :
Integrity Advocate never allows artificial intelligence to make final proctoring decisions. Instead, AI simply guides reviewers to potential session flags, allowing them to apply discretion when needed.
Reviewers can use more or less discretion when reviewing sessions, based on your institution's unique needs. Contact your Account Manager for more information.